Poland Group Abortion Speak Out, an Abortion Manifesto
















We have received news of the first in Poland Group Abortion Speak Out, an Abortion Manifesto, elaborated and signed by a few dozen brave people:


Abortion is happening.

Our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers had abortions. We have them too.

For various reasons. We don’t want to explain them.

We terminate pregnancies because it’s our lives, our bodies and wombs, and above all- our future. 

We have the right to do so.

Our stories are completely different from those we hear from politicians. 

We’re tired of being invisible.


There are many differences between us – place of residence, education, gender identity, sexual orientation, 

faith, number of children, health condition, work, political views. Abortion is what we have in common.

With this manifesto, we want to encourage all those who, like us, are ignored, silenced or even humiliated.


We have abortions. 

We are not ashamed.

We know that there are millions of us.


Agnieszka Jasińska

Agnieszka L.

Inga M.


Agata Adamczuk


Sebastian Ł.

Agata Witkowska

Sylwia Bartula

Ela Ł.



Aleksandra Pat

Kinga Hajdacka

Monika G.

An Urbanek

Kasia Staszewa

Anna Axer Fijałkowska

Katarzyna Hołdys

Natalia Broniarczyk

Zuzia K.


Magda J.


Zuzanna Pająk

Maria Moroch


Lilianna Lipska

Katarzyna Drohojewska

Agnieszka A


Kasia S.

Iwona S.

Natalia Griffin

Justyna Wydrzyńska

Magda Oljejor

Karo Gierszewska

Ewelina Ś.

Maria J.

Sylwia P.

Katarzyna Mrozińska

Kasia Makowska

Magdalenka Kraw

Natalia Wyroda


Magdalena Drzazga 


Gosia M. 

Gabriela R.V.S

Monika Ch. (Impera)

Agnieszka B.

Dominika J.


Maja B.



Sylwia Prachtl Wiśnia

Laura Krause

Kate (KS)

Aneta B.

Beata Kołodziejczyk

We invite everyone to read what we have to say. We want everyone to see us – we are here, we are real and abortion is one of our experiences. We encourage you to spread the news about it, this moment is really important for us. This Manifesto is a result of work of all people who responded to our call on social media who wanted to say “We had abortions”. 

Author of the collage: Anna Żak, Embroidery piece by Karolina Więckiewicz (@abortion_embroidery)
For further information and with any questions please write us an email or call Karolina at +48 501 074 469 (English, Croatian, Spanish).

The original statement in Polish can be viewed on the website here.