Warm space @ The Feminist Library – can you donate?
We are currently heavily reliant on donations to be able to fund library expenses. As people are struggling with the cost of living crisis, we are losing more donations, whilst also facing a vast increase in the service charge for the building we are housed in. We would like to crowdfund some money so we can open our library for longer hours and have someone coordinate this so that more people are able to use our space as a resource to stay warm, meet new people and use freely.
We will spend this money on employing a coordinator for our opening hours who can manage and train volunteers on opening the library, the bookshop and shelving. We would also like to raise funds for a computer that we could have in the library for people who maybe do not have access to a computer, and also for free searching of our catalogue.
We would also use the money to buy more refreshments and snacks for visitors and users of the library.
Any donation made will be matched by CO OP Warm spaces fund
Please donate here