Volunteer Profile – Adriana

This month we are starting a new section profiling all you wonderful volunteers! If you would like to be included in future please do get in touch.

What’s your name?

What’s  your role at the library?
Bookshop Volunteer.

How long have you been a volunteer? 
About a year and a half.

What is your favourite thing in the collection?
Probably the zines as I like to take inspiration from them for my own work and I like to read about other people’s perspectives.

What are you working on right now? e.g. my dissertation, a zine, job outside of library, creative work, learning to ride a bike – anything!
I’m working on two zines at the moment: one is a perzine with letters to my past self and the other one is writing my thoughts from the perspective of different aspects of who I am (a feminist immigrant part of the LGBTQ community).

What is your ‘hidden treasure’ recommendation (book, film, zine, record) that you think fem lib fans will love but not necessary know about? ‘Mapping Queer Southwark’ by Camp Books. It’s a short zine/leaflet detailing the queer history of Southwark, as well present-day queer spaces in the borough.

And finally – leave us with your favourite feminist quote, line from a book or poem etc. 
“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time” – Angela Davis.