The How: Notes on the Great Work of Meeting Yourself – Yrsa Daley-Ward Book Review

The How: Notes on the Great Work of Meeting Yourself – Yrsa Daley-Ward Book Review
The How: Notes on the Great Work of Meeting Yourself is filled with flowery, poetic, lyrical language which makes for a smooth and enjoyable experience. However, while the writing is accomplished and indicative of Yrsa Daley-Ward’s poetry, it is not an entirely productive or supportive text for self-reflection, as the title suggests. Throughout the sections, categorized by general topics related to a hypothetical journey of personal growth, there are thoughts and reflections on the habits, longings, and damage that occur during life. The author provides possible impacts these subjects could have on a person’s ability to adapt and cope without losing sight of their internal voice, or ideally, discovering it along the way. The mechanisms suggested in these chapters, often included short prompts and points to inspire introspection from the reader. Unfortunately, some of the notes presented assume a baseline level of mental bandwidth and physical ability on the reader’s part, which results in slightly unrealistic expectations if the reader approaches the book with the hope of committing to accomplish as much as possible. That being said, it is an overall pleasant tool for people hoping to get the wheels turning on a personal journey, overcoming a hardship, or transitioning to a new situation in their life. 
Review written by Melanie Rosato