New Acquisitions – August 2021
We’ve had a couple of great new donations to the Library collection recently!
Bust magazine donated by Helen Skinner
Bust is an American feminist pop culture magazine, read more about it here:

And two books by Jill Gardner donated by the author
1. From the Closet to the Screen: Women at the Gateways Club, 1945-85
In the 1960s heyday the Gateways Club was internationally known as the lesbian club to visit in London. When it opened in the 1930s lesbians were firmly in the closet and butch-femme roleplay predominated as a lifestyle. Yet by 1969, The Killing of Sister George had immortalized the Gateways and many of its real life members in a Hollywood movie starring Coral Browne, Beryl Reid and Susannah York, and directed by Robert Aldrich. By her portrait of the club, Jill Gardiner also gives us a social history of lesbian lives, loves and mores from a cloistered secret in the 1950s and 1960s to a battleground between feminists and traditionalists in the 1970s
2. With some wild woman : poems 1989-2019
A collection of lesbian poetry.
NB These new acquisitions won’t be on the shelves yet but please ask if you’d like to see them!