Help the Feminist Library Build its New Home – Crowdfunding Campaign

Help the Feminist Library Build its New Home

Crowdfunding Campaign Launches Today!

Help us Raise £30,000

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Please help the Feminist Library to continue and get the home it rightly deserves. Donate now:

Dear all, we are very excited to announce that we have found a new home!

Southwark Council have offered us a new building to rent, the Sojourner Truth Community Centre at 161 Summer Road in Peckham. The building has great potential, but it is very expensive to move a library, and to completely refit an old building!

We are today launching a Crowdfunder campaign, running from 16th October until 9th December 2018. We need to fundraise urgently and are asking for your support to help raise the £30,000 needed.

All money raised will go towards fitting out the new space, moving the thousands of books, and the legal costs of moving a library. Without this money the Library may have no option but to close, after 43 years of operation.

The Feminist Library has survived for over 4 decades by the goodwill and passion of our dedicated volunteers and supporters, and with next to no external funding. We are now counting on the community’s support to make this move happen. Please give what you can, help protect this much loved community resource and preserve Feminist Herstory.

The Urgent Need to Move
We need to leave our current premises in Westminster Bridge Road in Spring 2019, as the building is due for redevelopment. We have no choice but to move and so urgently need to make the new building fit for purpose.

Exciting Rewards
Donors to the Crowdfunder campaignwill receive various rewards, including:

£25 – Special edition ‘move’ tote bags
£40 – Feminist Library tote bag and zine bundle
£50 – VIP Tickets to the Grand Opening Party
£60 – Special edition artwork donated by Lucie Russell
£80– Champagne and Cake Tea at the Library
£120– Framed limited edition print donated by artist Lucie Russell.
£150 – Framed limited edition photographic print by the iconic feminist activist poet and artist Astra Blaug, donated by her son Adam Blaug
£200 – Set of artist’s photographic prints donated by artist Megan Jordan
£300 – Set of 2 paintings on canvass donated by artist Daiane Medeiros
£400 – Set of 3 framed paintings donated by artist Syeda Alishba Amin-ud-Din
£500 – Your name engraved on your own shelf in our new fabulous space! (choose your section!)

Vision for the New Building
New home design
The proposed new space is part of the Sojourner Truth Community Centre – named after the famous African-American activist and abolitionist. It is at the heart of the local community and is completely wheelchair accessible.

It is 1,500sq ft, which is 50% bigger then our current cramped premises. It will give substantially increased shelving space, office space, and a kitchen to provide food at community events. This will enable us to build on our priceless collection and expand our vibrant community programme, as well as new exhibition space to showcase feminist art and archive materials.

The Sojourner Truth Community is a listed building, which will mean security for the Library for years to come. We will be sharing the building with a number of other community organisations, including a couple of women’s groups.

Feminist Design Collective
The Feminist Library is lucky to have an amazing team of feminist architects, designers and makers lined up to work on the project, who are giving their time for free to make the new space possible. The space will be designed by HI-VIS and Lucy Sanderson, and the fittings built by Power Project– collectives of feminist architects, designers and makers, who will also be teaching young women and non-binary people wood and metal work skills while making the Library’s new furniture!

Please donate, ask your friends and family to donate, share the Crowdfunder page and help us to give the Library the secure home for the future that it rightly deserves! 


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