Grapevine Editions 001: Catherine Madden and Anthony Elliott

Grapevine Editions 001: Catherine Madden and Anthony Elliott
Folds is the first publication from Grapevine Editions, combining Catherine Madden’s collage poetry and Anthony Elliott’s fractured analogue photographs work in dialogue in an exploration of complex feelings about past romances. Catherine Madden explains:
“I decided to find and go back to any writing I had written about the people I was in a relationship with at the time it was happening, this mainly meant looking through old notebooks but I also used old text messages where I described my feelings about someone to a friend. I then planned to intersperse these words with what I had written about each relationship more recently […] I was aiming to create a knotty nonsense poem to capture the essence of the relationship from my point of view”
Catherine shared a poem from the collection with us, which is currently available from the Feminist Library Bookshop.
C 2008
he asked me if I’d ever been to kiss him we were tube little northern girl I said yes
erection we said we actually have an underground where it wasn’t I’m from I had a hairband on
night in his bed he kissed me by the corner of the why he was so distant rising sun cafe in New Cross
I spat to you as a mate
but I my retainer into his hand one night and the duvet he ran his fingers all along my naked C gave me a tea body as if to find out what it looked
and he said that he was like with his hands
I put a letter
still wanted me
and asked if
through his door
but didn’t keep a funny because I was wearing copy
he told me he was very good I was fake and pretending something hadn’t
we’re more friends now