*don’t call me b*tch*

The Feminist Library 161 Sumner Road, London, United Kingdom

a workshop exploring the missing link to our collective liberation “ We can not only discover more compassionate relations with human beings, develop compassionate relations with the other creatures with whom we share this planet…” —Angela Davis. Ever wondered how …

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Feminist Commemorative Platters

The Feminist Library 161 Sumner Road, London, United Kingdom

Inspired by medieval slipware, the Feminist Library artist in residence, Rachael House, invites you to make feminist commemorative platters. We’ll be drawing on palm leaf oval plates, using them to commemorate those we believe to be worthwhile. Rather than the …

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Butch Lineages

The Feminist Library 161 Sumner Road, London, United Kingdom

BRING YOUR OWN HISTORY: a closed-door session for butch trans women and TMA butches. How many Butch trans women do you know? What's the oldest reference to someone like us you can think of? Where are we in history? In …

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Seed-planting party

The Feminist Library 161 Sumner Road, London, United Kingdom

You may have heard of a Garden Party, but have you heard of a Seed-Planting Party? Come down on the 3rd June to plant some seeds with us!  We will be in the courtyard from 11am - 2pm 🌿🌶