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coming soon… the Charmers

May 7 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Screening/Talk/Discussion by artist Anne Robinson

At The Feminist Library,

6.30pm-8pm on Weds 7th May

The Charmers are a (possibly fictional) band, formed by seven accused ’witches’ from Ayrshire. These queer, runaway, time-travelling-players were discovered on a 17th century scroll by an artist Anne Robinson, Scottish witch trials. At the Feminist Library, Anne will be screening film works in progress with music from the project and giving a short talk about the work to open up discussion on the ‘witch’ trials then and now and themes of queer banishment and othering.

The Charmers’ art project draws on archival research into the 16th and 17th century Scottish ‘witch’ trials: known to be amongst the most brutal in the world. During investigations, Anne found scrolls recording seven accused ‘witches’ in Ayrshire, as ‘not to be found’ – apparently fugitives. From these fragments, using ‘critical fabulation’ and experimenting with songs, film, and performance, the work developed around a ‘sci-fi folk ballad’ and time-travel through queer history! The accused ‘witches’ abscond using the very conjuring they are accused of: transported away out of their cells to form a band, on tour with their familiars to historical moments of transformative rebellion – levellers’ meetings, molly houses, cabaret, disco protests… Coming soon.. The Charmers! is an art project in diverse forms: films, drawings, sound, broadside ballads, workshops and conversations.

Website: gracenotesproject.org

Instagram: @annerobs

The Charmers’ project is supported by a National Lottery Project Grant from Arts Council England.

The line up for the Charmers’ tour in 2025 will be: Debbie Armour, Maggie Nicols, Tansy Spinks, Deb Smith, Lisa Lux and Anne Robinson and performances include new films form The Charmers. Catch us at a gig and look out for new, 4 track EP ‘Not to be Found’ also featuring Jo Gate-Eastley.

With thanks to:

all the Charmers: Deb Smith, Jo Gate-Eastley, Tansy Spinks, Maggie Nicols, Debbie Armour, Limpe Fuchs, Nic Howiantz, Karina Townsend, Brian O’Neill, Helen Spackman, Louissin Torah Pilikian, Charlie Wood, Rachel Gomme.. and supporters: Arts Council England, DYCP, Middlesex University, Space Art, Dimple Discs, Narture, Ayr, Fruitmarket Gallery, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art, Queer Materialities Group at GSoA.


May 7
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Categories:


The Feminist Library
161 Sumner Road
London, SE15 6JL United Kingdom
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