Call Out – Shocked Quartz

Call Out – Shocked Quartz
Open call for workshops!
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with KINESIS Collective, an all-transgender and gender-variant community composed of artists, activists and community organisers.  
Starting in April, KINESIS will lead their “Shocked Quartz” events at The Feminist Library. “Shocked Quartz” is a series of workshops that will explore how transgender people engage with themes of historical, personal and social crisis. How do trans people survive during tumultuous times? How does our relationship to survival change overtime? Is crisis something we have become too attached to as an educational tool? How may shock, or shaking, give way to alternatives?

We are inviting transgender, intersex, gender-non-conforming and gender variant artists to lead the Shocked Quartz workshops based on these questions and themes. 

Please find the form to submit proposals here.

Born out of lockdown, a time in which transgender people saw a fragmentation of their community, KINESIS aims to sustain dialogues around literature, art and performance. They are keen to respond to current notions of present and historical zeitgeist, reimagining ‘the transgender tipping point’ and clamouring for more than just visibility and representation. In the past, they have shown work with Fringe! Queer Film Festival, We Exist and Ugly Duck Gallery.