We will be reading Warsan Shire’s book Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth. It’s a poetry book so please read where your heart leads you. Content Warning: Sexual Assault, War, R*pe, Death.
I have attached a pdf to this email. You’re also welcome to bring your own copy.
We’re intending this to be an accessible space for community, discussion, theoretical study and knowledge exchange. The session will be facilitated by myself and Nonki.
This reading group assumes no prior knowledge, so please don’t feel worried if you don’t understand the ideas expressed in the texts, are unfamiliar with them or have been unable to read all the text, we will think it through together.
Feel free to bring folks along (this is a closed space to Black and People of Colour). Also, do let me know if you have any questions or require clarity around anything.
We are open to suggestions of black feminist texts to read and consider collectively, so please let us know if you would like to facilitate a session!
Looking forward to communing with y’all again soon!